“Rhapsodic, hallucinatory, it is emblematic of the painterly process of synthesizing motif and materials, visual stimulus and pictorial will”.
Stephen Maine, excerpt from "Seeing Things" catalog essay.
2020 Watercolor on paper 16” x 14”
2016. Watercolor on paper. 11" x 15".
(no date) Oil pastel & water based media on paper 9.5" x 12.5"
2004 Water based media on paper 12.5" x 9.5"
2004 Water based media on paper 4" x 12"
2016 Watercolor & crayon on paper 12” x 16”
2023 Water based media on paper 12” x 16”
2023 Water based media on paper 9” x 12”
2022 Watercolor on paper 12 x 16”
Linked to IG Nov 25 2022
2022 Watercolor on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG, Nov 19 2022
2002 Watercolor on paper 12” x 16”
2022 Watercolor on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG Nov 5 2022
2022 Watercolor on paper 11” x 14”
Linked to IG, Oct 28 2022
2022 Watercolor on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG Oct 1 2022
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
Since the National Park Service has decided to charge over $60 per year “at all times” (used to be free Sept-June) to park at their beautiful, undeveloped Fort Tilden beach, I have moved the mile or so east over to Riis Park. More folks having very loud, obnoxious conversations on their mobile phones, but still a nice spot.
Linked to IG; October 17 2021
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
This slab of granite may have transmogrified somewhat into a fogbank.
There is a lot of radon in the local substrate, perhaps radioactive condensation evaporated out of my archetypal ledge.
Linked to IG; Sept 10 2021
Mid to late 1970’s oil pastel on paper 9” x 13”
Wish I had some inkling of doing these Cape Cod pieces. I know I made art on the Cape and Martha’s Vineyard when I visited with my father and stepmother. I have very vivid memories of fishing excursions, and taking a sailing lesson with a young lady I had a crush on, but not much about the art.
Linked to IG; August 29 2021
Mid to late 1970’s water based media on paper 10” x 12” (?)
Even though I was feeling my way along, sometimes a young artist can arrive at a moment of clarity.
Linked to IG; Aug 22 2021
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
A tad bit of Cezanne, perhaps tempered by Soutine.
Linked to IG; August 1 2021
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG July 15 2021
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
The river tends to acquire a creamy opaque undertone in bright overcast conditions. Correspondingly I employed a heavy dose of low tinting terre vert with some titanium, and cobalt pale green blended in.
The Hudson River club demands tonal fealty.
Linked to IG; June 27 2021
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
2021 Watercolor & crayon on paper. 14” x 16”
I have enrolled in the Hudson River School. Paid my dues instead of tuition.
Linked to IG June 14 2021
2021 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
I condensed the perspective in this composition to encapsulate the vista. There is a subtle mirror image reflection of the curvilinear foreground, seen in the celestial background segment of the triad.
Linked to IG; June 5 2021
2020 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
A sumptuous early autumn afternoon at Prospect Park. The goldfinches and flickers were romping, and all the Brooklynites seemed well intentioned.
I re-photographed this piece recently. Much improved the color corrections, but this one has been tricky to get just right. Working with GIMP is no walk in (Prospect) Park! I miss Photoshops Auto Color button.
Linked to IG: October 2 2020
Linked to IG: May 16 2021
2021 Watercolor & crayon on paper. 16” x 14”
From the first plein air session of 2021 in late April.
Linked to IG; May 8 2021
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 11" x 14.5"
I was plunked down on granite bench near the big fancy "cottages" of Grindstone Neck. It was a warm damp day, and the fog hung heavy.
Linked to IG Dec 12 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
A new beach scene.
We all live under the sky, it permeates our being. Earth's atmosphere is a complex system of gaseous currents and vapor, but its also a void in a constant state of flux. Like nature, I love a good low pressure system and want to subsume its ethereal stratus.
Those subvisual fairies that inhabit my celestial psyche have become archetypal identities, swooshing and swooping about on the gusts of my windy art like seabirds hovering in a gale.
Linked to IG: October 9 2020
2020 Water based media on paper. 16” x 14”
Linked to IG: Sept 27 2020
Mid to late 1970s, or early 1980s. Watercolor on paper. 12” x 9”
2020 Watercolor on paper 16” x 14”
“A slightly larger version of the steps from the same session in Prospect Park.”
Linked to IG: July 11 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 14” x 12”
“I am going to try and spend more time painting in Prospect Park.”
Linked to IG: July 1 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
“A watery and hazy ode to Independence Day.”
Linked to IG, July 5 2020
2020 Oil pastel on paper 15” x 20”
“Drawn in oil pastel which is a throwback for me.”
Linked to IG: June 26 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
A new beach scene. It was a scintillating afternoon. The water was morphing in and out of a flat, yet radiant, grayish metallic, into a softly sumptuous cobalt hue that would sharply delineate darker stretches near the horizon, then merging as a diffuse shimmering haze reflecting the sun.
Truly impossible to paint except as a construct.
Linked to IG: June 13 2020
2020 Watercolor & tissue paper on paper 15” x 20”
“Started on-site at the Promenade, finished at home.”
Linked to IG: June 8 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG: May 29 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
“A new on-location rendering.”
Linked to IG: May 23 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
“One of the more pleasant sensations derived from painting out in nature, is how perceptual awareness tends to slip into a less cognitive reverie of sorts.”
Linked to IG: May 18 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG: May 9 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG: May 6 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
“First on-location watercolor of the season.”
Linked to FB: April 22 2020
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 18" x 24"
“Harkening back. From a secluded little beach near Winter Harbor Maine.”
Linked to IG, March 29 2020
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 18" x 24"
“I used a split horizon to expand the panorama, and diffuse the semiotics.”
Linked to IG: February 13 2020
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 9”x11.5”
“According to Jeanne we may have painted these during the same 2011 session on the Schoodic Peninsula.
I always admire her distinctly detail oriented approach to intermingled kelp and stones in the shallows.”
Linked to IG: January 30 2020
2019 Watercolor on paper 12" x 9"
“This piece was initially fashioned on-site as a monoprint. I applied a schmear of juicy wet watercolor on a sheet of microfoam, then pressed the foam onto the WC block as a gale whirled about.
Doubt I will try that again in such blustery conditions.”
Linked to IG: October 5 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 12" x 15"
“A nice end of summer afternoon.”
Linked to IG: September 25 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
“From yesterday, its been a productive landscape season.”
Linked to IG: September 8 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 15" x 20"
“I did not want to leave anything out, so this composition is an amalgamated montage packed jam with garden stuff.
There is an attenuated view of the pond on the left. A slightly foreboding fairytale place with mouthing catfish and snapping turtles.
The view from the deck is pleasantly placid and taciturn. The Bull Frog Sonata is worth a listen.”
Linked to IG: August 26 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 15” x 20”
Some theater to this new piece. The NYC skyline is like a stage set.
Linked to IG: August 8 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 15” x 12”
Linked to IG: July 30 2019
2019 watercolor on paper, 15” x 20”
“A new plein air piece from the NYC parks location at the Marine Park Salt Marsh Nature Center.”
Linked to FB: July 20 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper, 15” x 20”
A new beachscape.
Linked to FB: July 1 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 15” x 12”
“This version of a lush Dead Horse path has a tonal dissonance synthesising lush vegetation and natural light, illuminating my psychic overgrowth.”
Linked to FB: June 14, 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
“This new image is an experimental play on dissolving the landscape into constituent elements, as a way to envisage an essential version of nature.”
Linked to FB: June 8 2019
2019 Watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
My first beach scene of 2019. Mellifluous confluence of nature on earth.
Linked to FB: May 31 2019
2018 Watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
“A quick, preliminary sketch from Domino Park earlier this season.”
Linked to FB: November 16 2018
2018 Watercolor and crayon on paper 9” x 15”
Near dusk on a warm day in October. Nice to paint barefoot in the sand.
Linked to FB November 3 2018
2018 Watercolor & ink on paper 12” x 15” private collection
This piece turned out Cezanne-ish which was not by conscience intent.
Cezanne and Soutine's landscapes can reveal distortions in time/space that could be considered conduits to sub-visual dimensions.
Here I was interested in depicting a canopy of scrub arbors, but it became more of a tunnel-like composition, channeling the eye to a backlit glow. Perhaps a metaphor for some transcendent notion of unawareness.
Linked to FB: October 26 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
2018 Watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
Back to our sandy studio at Ft Tilden.
Linked to FB: October 13 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
“The last of this year's plein air work from Maine.
Made at the end of our first session, it was the only 9" x 12" I did, and took about 15 or 20 minutes to finish. I would say it qualifies as a get reacquainted sketch.”
Linked to FB: October 8, 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper, 15” x 20”
“I did not get one of those typically hushed, undulating fog days on this trip to Maine in August, but there was a nice translucent cerulean haze one afternoon.
The shifting spectrum of ocean surface light variations are very tricky gradations to represent with chemical pigment. There seems to be some kind of metaphysical conundrum involved as the ocean's transparent body exudes a saturated, yet elusive chromatic intensity.”
Linked to FB: October 5, 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper 15” x 20”
“Another summer reverie from Flye Point”
Link to FB: September 30 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper 15” x 20”
From the ledges near Flye Point. There is a voluminously serene aspect to the scenery looking north towards Cadillac Mt over the narrows.
As it was a hot afternoon, I took a break, waded into the shallows, dipped my cap into the icy clear salt water, and poured the elixir over my warm brow several times.
Linked to FB: September 21, 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper, 12” x 15” private collection
From our recent sojune Down East.
The dichotomy between representational and interpretive (non literal) composition represents a compelling narrative for me.
Reproducing an observed landscape within the context of recognizable semiotic orientation, keys in on a hand-eye spatial evaluation tool crucial to the practice of fluid and flowing draftsmanship.
However a less strictured approach to scenery allows for a freeing-up of improvisational content that may bring potent associative elements into play.
The image below was actually painted at 180°, and then flipped to switch top/bottom. This reorientation occurred as way to accommodate an unseen identity that popped into my awareness; Aeolus the Greek god of the winds (frequently seen huffing and puffing on old nautical charts).
Exploring the realm of intuitive mark making is nothing new in painting, but like snowflakes, no two brushstrokes are ever the same.
Linked to FB: September 16 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper 15” x 20”
“From our recent Maine excursion. We took a day up at Acadia National Park's Schoodic Peninsula to partake of the big, pounding surf.
This piece required some touch up at home with ink and powdered pigments to boost a dulling effect from the unsized paper.”
Linked to FB: September 11 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper, 12” x 15”
“This piece was done right after my previous post (View From Flye Point, hedges).
I tend to work directly from scenery, then I might loosen up, and try a more interpretive gesture. Like different poses in life drawing.”
Link to FB: September 8 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
Maine, Labor Day weekend.
“Here is the first of about 10 plein air scenes from Maine during last weeks visit.
It was more of a challenge than I anticipated.
I figured I'd be ready to roll since most of my art output the last year or so has been landscapes, but Maine required some perceptual weight lifting.
This was the next to last piece I did during the 6 days we were there, and due to issues with my new 18" x 24" cheap watercolor block (unsized paper which makes layering water based pigment very difficult) I finally gave up and went back to my old 12" x 15" block.
I only took one day off, and painting everyday on the ledges in the hot sun was hard on my feet and derma.
But overall it was a fantastic opportunity to get back and immerse myself in the Down East environment, enjoy some peaceful quietude, lobster, and a spectacular full moon.”
Link to FB: September 4 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
Very challenging environment for plein air at Domino.
The scenery was spectacular verging on overwhelming. The sweeping vista of the East River surrounded by intricate architectural perspectives, was saturated by a wonderfully undulating, low hanging cloud cover.
Also had to dodge a couple of heavy rain squalls.
I condensed the scene a bit to fit the aspect ratio of the paper. Next time I might set up a diptych to stretch out the perspective.
Then there was the crowd; a raucous beach volleyball game nearby, many happy but noisy kids running about with loud parents trying to exercise their pergotives. Last but not least was the extremely buff, semi nude pushup performer with his video entourage doing one-handed presses on the next bench over!
Although I look forward to returning, Domino is to be avoided on weekends if you want any peace and quiet.
Link to FB: August 4, 2018
2018 watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
“Although this was done entirely "in-house", I'm putting it on my plein air page. Is that so wrong?”
Link to FB: July 27 2018
2018 watercolor on paper 12” x 14”
“The narrow twisting, turning path into Dead Horse Bay has a fairy tale quality. Well worn, but overgrown with a dense jungle canopy of deciduous vegetation, likely containing all sorts of creatures lurking just beyond your awareness.”
Link to: FB July 21, 2018
2018 watercolor on paper 12” x 14”
“Schlepped out to Robert Moses SP yesterday to try and avoid crowds! (not)
Gorgeous day anyway. A warm, crystal white aura saturated the windy environs.
Rowdy ocean with translucent breakers that curled into a pristine gray, green earth foam, backlit by an unknown shade of softly undulating cobalt pale.” Link to: FB July 15, 2018
2018 watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
“A wave still life.”
Link to: FB July 12 2018
2018 watercolor on paper 9”x 12”
“A quick (30 minutes or so) plein air study of light, sensation, and slight crossover into a figurative gesture.”
Link to: FB July 8 2018
2018 watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
“A loosey goosey sketch that catches a bit of late afternoon light.
A coy Steinberg-ian cartoon like reference in the lower right corner of my crinkly feet dipped in chilly salt water.”
2108 watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
“A placid day at Ft Tilden.”
Link to: FB June 26 2018
2108 watercolor on paper 12” x 15”
“A new watercolor of the water and vapors.”
Link to: FB June 13 2018
2018 Watercolor on paper. 11” x 15”
“My first plein air piece for 2018.
I become mesmerized by oceanic theater. The visual interplay between scene and paper merges my focus.
Its like taking a dip; bracing and your feet don't always touch bottom.”
Link to: FB April 27 2018
2107 Watercolor and crayon on paper. 11" x 15"
“Getting close to the end of the plein air season for watercolors. Like tomatoes, you want to get your art in before the first frost.
Link to: FB October 25, 2017
2107 Watercolor, water soluble crayon, ink on paper. 11" x 15"
2017 Watercolor and crayon on paper. 11" x 15" Sloan Kettering corp collection
“Painting at the beach again on Sunday. Placid afternoon with undulating sky and ocean. Wind whipped up at the end, reaching gale force in a matter of 5 minutes. You have to know how to wind proof with bungee cords.”
Link to: FB October 18, 2017
2017 Watercolor and crayon on paper. 11" x 15"
“The fisherman's beach at Ft Tilden has been a nice place to paint this season, but we look forward to getting back on the Schoodic Peninsula.”
Link to: FB Nov 4 2017
2107 Watercolor and crayon on paper. 11" x 15"
2017 Watercolor and crayon on paper. 9" x 12"
2107 Watercolor and crayon on paper. 9" x 12"
“A new plein air work on paper from Ft Tilden.
If I may be so immodest, I'll claim to have been channeling a moody segment of Courbet's pensive beachscapes.”
Link to: FB October 6, 2017
2107 Watercolor, pen and ink, crayon, with tissue paper foundation mounted on 150 lb cold press. 11" x 15"
2017, watercolor & crayon on paper. 11" x 15"
2013 Watercolor & water soluble media on paper. 11"x15"
2013 Watercolor & water soluble media on paper. 11"x15"
2013 Watercolor & water soluble media on paper. 15"x11" private collection
2013 Watercolor & water soluble media on paper. 12" x 9"
2013 Watercolor & water soluble media on paper. 9"x12"
2013 Watercolor, water soluble media & oil pastel on paper. 11" x 15"
2013 Watercolor, water soluble media & oil pastel on paper. 11" x 15"
2013 Watercolor & water soluble media on paper. 11"x15"
2013 Watercolor & water soluble media on paper. 11" x 15"
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 18" x 24"
2012, watercolor & oil pastel on paper, 18" x 24"
2012, watercolor & oil pastel on paper, 18" x 24"
2012, watercolor, water soluble felt tip, crayon & oil pastel on paper, 9" x 12".
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 9" x 11.5"
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 11" x 14.5"
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 11" x 14.5"
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 11" x 14.5"
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 11" x 14.5"
2012, watercolor & water soluble crayon on paper, 11" x 14".
2012, watercolor, water soluble felt tip & crayon on paper, 12" x 9"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 18" x 24"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 18"x24"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 18"x24"
“From 2011. Deep Cove near Winter Harbor. One of my favorite spots to paint. A locals-only backwoods beach with spectacular views of Ironbound Island.”
Link to: FB November 11, 2017
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 18"x24"
Oil pastel on paper 2011 9”x11.5”
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 11"x14.5"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 11"x14.5"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2011 11.5"x9"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 18"x24" Sloan Kettering corp collection
Oil pastel on paper 2010 9"x24"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 18" x 24"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 18" x 24"
Oil pastel on paper 2010 9.5" x 12"
Oil pastel on paper 2010 9.5" x 12"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 9” x 11.5”
Linked to FB & LinkedIn: April 2019
Oil pastel on paper 2010 9.5" x 12"
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 18" x 24"
“Two pieces from 2010 done at Flye Point in Brooklin Maine.
We are returning next week. We will also make the four hour round trip drive on a one-day foray to the Schoodic Peninsula.”
Link to FB: August 24 2018
Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 2010 11" x 14.5"
“Two pieces from 2010 done at Flye Point in Brooklin Maine.
We are returning next week. We will also make the four hour round trip drive on a one-day foray to the Schoodic Peninsula.”
Link to FB: August 24 2018
2001 Oil on canvas 30” x 30”
Early/mid 2000’s Oli on canvas 32” x 32”
1994 Oil on canvas 40” x 42”
1994 Oil on canvas 32” x 32”
1998 Oil on canvas 30” x 30”
1997 Oil on canvas 32” x 28”
1997 Oil on canvas 30” x 90”
1994 Oil on canvas 42” x 48”
1991 Oil on canvas 34” x 62”
1997 Oil on canvas 34” x 32”
1994 Oil on canvas 36” x 33”
1996 Oil on canvas 46“ x 44”
1990’s Oil on canvas 30” x 30” (?)
1998 Oil on canvas 36” x 36”
2007 Oil on panel 39" x 48"
1992 Oil on canvas 60" x 42" private collection.
1997 Oil on canvas 85" x 41"
2016. Water based media on panel. 10" x 17"
2016 Watercolor & crayon on paper 14” x 16”
2016 Watercolor & crayon on paper 14” x16”
2006 Oil on panel 8” x 48”
2006 Oil on panel 8” x 48”
2010 Oil on panel 10” x 32”
2023 Water based media on paper 22” X 18”
Linked to IG June 24 2023
2023 Water based media on paper 14” x 11”
Linked to IG June 24 2023
2023 Water based media on paper 22” x 30”
Linked to IG June 4 2023
2023 Water based media on paper 6.25” x 10”
Linked to IG June 4 2023
2005 Oil on canvas 72” x 48”
Linked to IG December 17 2021
2021 Water based media on paper 16” x 14”
They are there in a kind of a Twilight Zone way.
Linked to IG; September 19 2021
2014 Oil on canvas 48” x 48”
Linked to IG July 19 2021
2012 Oil on canvas 48” x 48”
2013, oil on panel, 16" x 20"
A fictional supposition of an external scene internalized.
Linked to IG Jan 23 2021
1994 Oil on canvas 40”x 40”
This in-studio oil on canvas was inspired by a very unusual cloud formation called Asperitas, occasionally seen along the Maine shoreline.
Linked to IG: Oct 13 2020
2020 Oil pastel on paper 15” x 20”
2019 Water based media on paper 15" x 20"
“This slightly bulbous rendition over an undulating East River softens up hard urban edges.”
Linked to IG: November 1, 2019
2019 Water based media on paper 15” x 20”
Linked to IG: August 14, 2019
2019 Ink, crayon, & watercolor on laminated paper napkins, mounted on 140 lbs art paper. 9” x 7”
My zipper-it-up art piece can be seen at:
Among Friends/Entre Amigos May 3-12 Clemente Soto Velez Cultural & Educational Center
107 Suffolk Street TheClement
Organized by Alexandra Rutsch Brock, Beth Dary, Patricia Fabricant
@spiralarb @bethadary1 @pattyfab
Linked to FB: March 9 2019
2014, oil on canvas, 50" x 50"
2014, oil on canvas, 32" x 72"
oil on canvas 2009 30" x 55"
2013, oil on panel, 12" x 22.5"
Oil on canvas 2009 84.5" x 70.5"
2013 Oil on panel 19.75" x 33"
Oil on panel 2005 30" x 24"
2013 Oil on panel 15" x 12"
2013 Oil on panel 12" x 15"
Oil on canvas, 2004, 21" x 72"
Oil on canvas, 2005, 37"x57" Private collection.
2011 Oil on panel 22” x 22”
2011 Oil on panel 25” x 25”
2011 Oil on panel 24”x 24”
2025 Water based media on paper 21.5” x 19”
2006 Oil on paper 11” x 14”
2006 Oil on canvas 36” x 42”
2006 Oil on paper 11” x 15”
2006 Oil on paper 11” x 15”
2006 Oil on paper 11” x 15”
2024 Paint can lid mounted on paper, with water based media & decals 8” x 7.5”
2009 Oil on canvas 48” x 48”
2011 Oil on marmoleum 12” x 12”
2015 Oil paint on extruded plaster relief. 25" x 25"
2013 Oil on canvas 36” x 28”
2023 Water based media on paper 22” x 30”
2023 Water based media on paper 9.5” x 12”
2013 watercolor, gouache, crayon, felt tip pen, tissue paper, and plaster on panel, 12" x 12"
2019 water based pigment and tissue paper on plaster slab 17” x 12” x 1”
“A new plaster slab.”
Linked to FB: June 23 2019 IG
2011 Oil on panel 22” x 22”
2011 Oil on panel 22” x 22”
2008 Oil on panel 24” x 24”
2011 Oil on panel 24” x 24”
2022 Water based Media & decals on poured plaster 5.5” x 5.5” x 1.5”
Linked to IG Feb 4 2023
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 5.5” x 5.5” x 1.5”
Linked to IG Feb 4 2023
2022 Tissue paper on poured plaster 5.5” x 7.5”
Linked to IG Feb 4 2023
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG, Jan 19 2023
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG, Jan 19 2023
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG Jan 19 2023
2022 Shredded paper & decals on poured plaster 8” x 6” x 0.5”
Linked to IG, Jan 14 2022
2022 Decals & water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7.5”
Linked to IG, Jan 14 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 5” x 6” x 2”
Linked to IG Dec 31 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 5” x 6” x 2”
Linked to IG Dec 31 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 5” x 6” x 2”
Linked to IG Dec 31 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 11.5” x 15” x 3.5”
Linked to IG Dec 24 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 11.5” x 15” x 3.5”
Linked to IG Dec 24 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 11.5” x 15” x 3.5”
Linked to IG Dec 24 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 8.5” x 9.5” x 2”
Linked to IG Dec 18 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 8.5” x 9.5” x 2”
Linked to IG Dec 18 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 8.5” x 9.5” x 2”
Linked to IG Dec 18 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 9” x 8.5” x 3”
Linked to IG Dec 13 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 9” x 8.5” x 3”
Linked to IG Dec 13 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 11.5” x 7” x 3.5”
Linked to IG Dec 9 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 11.5” x 7” x 3.5”
Linked to IG Dec 9 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster 11.5” x 7” x 3.5”
Linked to IG Dec 9 2022
2022 Water based media on foam 10” x 6”
Linked to IG Dec 5 2022
2022 Water based media & decals on poured plaster in sushi tray 3.5” x 6.5” x 1.25”
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 4.5” x 6” x 2.5”
Linked to IG October 23 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 4.5” x 6” x 2.5”
Linked to IG October 23 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 4.5” x 6” x 2.5”
Linked to IG October 23 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 4.5” x 6” x 2.5”
Linked to IG October 23 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 4.5” x 6” x 2.5”
Linked to IG October 23 2022
2022 Water based media & fabric remnants on poured plaster 4” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG; October 18 2022
2022 Water based media & fabric remnants on poured plaster 4” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG; October 18 2022
2022 Water based media & fabric remnants on poured plaster 4” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG; October 18 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG; October 14 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG; October 14 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7” x 3”
https://www.instagram.com/p/CjtW0oSL6IG/Linked to IG; October 14 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster 5.5” x 7” x 3”
Linked to IG; October 14 2022
2002 Jelly beans, plastic shards, & champagne emblem embedded in poured plaster, with water based media. 20” x 25” x 1.5”
Linked to IG, Oct 8 2022
2002 Jelly beans, plastic shards, & champagne emblem embedded in poured plaster, with water based media. 20” x 25” x 1.5”
Linked to IG, Oct 8 2022
2002 Jelly beans, plastic shards, & champagne emblem embedded in poured plaster, with water based media. 20” x 25” x 1.5”
Linked to IG, Oct 8 2022
2022 Water based media on poured plaster panel 9” x 12”
Linked to IG Sept
2022 Water based media on poured plaster panel 9” x 12”
2015 Watercolor & gouache, water soluble felt tip, pencil, crayon, on tissue paper and gessoed watercolor paper. 24" x 36"
Linked to IG, July 23 2002
2016 Water based media on paper towel and panel. 10" x 12"
Linked to IG, July 23 2022
2022 Water based media on paper 8” x 8”
Linked to IG May 14 2022
2022 Water based media on paper 16” x 12”
Linked to IG, May 7 2022
2022 Water based media on paper 8” x 8”
Linked to IG; April 30 2022
2022 Water based media on paper 9” x 7.5”
Linked to IG, April 17 2022
2022 Water based media on paper 14” x 11”
Linked to IG, April 17 2022
2022 Water based media on paper 14” x 11”
2004 66” x 78” oil on canvas
2021 Tissue paper decals, shredded burlap, and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged dune fence stripping frame. 9” x 6.5” x 2”
These numismatic transfers resonate for me as pagan confectionary concoctions.
Perhaps there is some flux between the arcane and the mundane, as the plaster pour molds are configured from single-use plastic cookie packaging.
2021 Tissue paper decals and water based media on poured plaster. 5” x 4.5” x 1.5”
Kind of a plaster cupcake.
Linked to IG May 29 2021
2021 Tissue paper decals and water based media on poured plaster. 5” x 4.5” x 1.5”
Kind of a plaster cupcake.
Linked to IG May 29 2021
2021 Tissue paper decals, nylon netting, and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged electrical wiring & dune fence stripping frame. 9” x 6.5” x 1.5”
These numismatic decal reliefs could be considered cookie cutters, as they were molded in plastic cookie packaging.
Linked to IG May 1 2021
2021 Tissue paper decals, nylon netting, and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged electrical wiring & dune fence stripping frame. 9” x 6.5” x 1.5”
These numismatic decal reliefs could be considered cookie cutters, as they were molded in plastic cookie packaging.
Linked to IG May 1 2021
2021 Tissue paper decals and water based media on poured plaster. 5” x 4.5” x 1.5”
“Charon’s Obol”. 5th-1st century BC.
Bees sometimes appear as decorations on ancient “coin-like objects” or tokens.
One theory is that such discs (“Charon’s obols”) were magical artifacts buried with the dead to pay Charon, the boatman who ferried souls to the afterlife.
Linked to IG April 25 2021
2021 Tissue paper decals, nylon netting, and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged dune fence stripping frame. 9” x 6.5” x 2”
Linked to IG April 16 2021
2021 Tissue paper decals and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged dune fence stripping frame. 9” x 6.5” x 2”
2021 Tissue paper decals and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged dune fence stripping frame. 5” x 6.5” x 3.5”
This chunk of plaster comes off as a kind of allegorical reference to a Roman cornerstone. There could also be an association with an old-time analog TV image that needs the antenna adjusted.
Linked to IG April 11 2021
2021 Tissue paper decals and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged dune fence stripping frame. 5” x 6.5” x 3.5”
2021 Tissue paper and water based media on poured plaster, with salvaged dune fence stripping frame. 12.5” x6.5” x 1”
In light of all the brouhaha over NFT’s, I have devised my own entirely fungible numismatic gold standard. Hail Caesar!
Linked †o IG April 8 2021
2021 Water based media, salvaged beach rope, and plastic strap on plaster slab. 10” x 6”
“Alas, poor Yorick” is a snippet of a well worn Shakespearean trope from Hamlet.
Yorick was the court jester for Hamlet's father, whos murder resonates with the ironic futility of childhood's innocence lost.
Hamlet seems to serve as an appropriate metaphor for our current disintegration of leadership, while plagued by the rise of vengeful chaos.
This poured plaster assemblage relief is an impromptu riff on portraiture and masked visage.
Linked to IG: Feb 6 2021
2021 Water based media, salvaged beach rope, foil, and plastic strap on plaster slab. 8” x 8”
“Alas, poor Yorick” is a snippet of a well worn Shakespearean trope from Hamlet.
Yorick was the court jester for Hamlet's father, whos murder resonates with the ironic futility of childhood's innocence lost.
Hamlet seems to serve as an appropriate metaphor for our current disintegration of leadership, while plagued by the rise of vengeful chaos.
This poured plaster assemblage relief is an impromptu riff on portraiture and masked visage.
Linked to IG: Feb 6 2021
2021 Water based media on plaster slab 7.5” x 5”
Mining the substrate.
Linked to IG Jan 30 2021
2021 Water based media on plaster slab 7.5” x 5”
Mining the substrate.
Linked to IG Jan 30 2021
2021 Water based media and tissue paper on bubble wrap, embedded in poured plaster. 25” x 21” x 1”
This plaster relief ended up as a visual lamentation on the human condition. Be it ever so vulnerable.
Linked to IG: January 3 2021
2021 Water based media and tissue paper on bubble wrap, embedded in poured plaster. 25” x 21” x 1”
This plaster relief ended up as a visual lamentation on the human condition. Be it ever so vulnerable.
Linked to IG: January 3 2021
2020 Water based media on paper 10” x 6”
I had lichen on my mind, but then the stasis began to romp around.
Linked to IG Dec 2020
2020 Water based media on paper 20” x 24”
This new piece is ostensibly a comment on cosmology, especially the notion of ignition and corresponding inflation.
Or it could just be a compendium of far flung gestures that manifest from many years of psychic reverberation bouncing around my oeuvre.
Linked to IG: November 1 2020
2020 Water based mediums on paper 20” x 20”
Desperation, cannibalism, and self-preservation at the expense of the greater good. Géricault’s youthful (and much covered) masterpiece has obvious relevance in this day and age.
2020 Water based media on paper 6” x 10”
“This foray into figuration could be a Darwin-esque meditation. It started with an upright figure, and reversed engineered into smaller bug-like creatures.”
Linked to IG: June 20 2020
2020 Watercolor on paper
2020 Felt tip marker & crayon on paper 8” x 8”
2012 Water based media on paper 12” x 9”
“Dug this out of a backwater subfolder from 2012 labeled "studies". Never became a painting, but apropos perhaps”
Linked to IG: May 13 2020
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 13" x 9"
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 13" x 9"
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 13" x 9"
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 13" x 9"
Linked to IG: April 18 2020
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 13" x 9"
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 13" x 9"
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence strip frame. 11” x 8” x 1”
Linked to IG: April 11 2020
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 12” x 9”
Posted to IG: April 4 2020
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 12” x 9”
2020 Water based media on plaster, molded from plastic chocolate sampler packaging, with salvaged dune fence stripping. 12” x 9”
2020 Water based media on paper 15” x 20”
Linked to IG: March 21, 2020
2020 Water based media on paper 11” x 14”
Linked to IG: March 15 2020
2020 Microfoam laminated on paper, with water based media. 12” x 16”
Linked to IG: March 7 2020
2020 Microfoam laminated on paper, with water based media. 16” x 12”
“A new work on paper with laminated microfoam.”
Linked to IG; Feb 29 2020
2020 Microfoam laminated on paper, with water based media. 14” x 17”
“A new work on paper that has a rectangular piece of microfoam laminated on top of the paper. A spongy response to media.”
Linked to IG: Feb 22 2020
2019 Salvaged antique toy, beach rope, copper mesh, mounted on dried paint can disk, with water based media 12"H x 9"W x 1"D
Some kind of made-up fairytale rendition.
Linked to IG: December 17 2019
2019 Salvaged antique emblem and beach rope mounted on dried paint can disk, with water based media. 12"H x 12"W x 2D”
Linked to IG: November 29 2019
2019 water based media on paper 15" x 20"
“I'm thinking Monet's lily pads gone all interdimensional.”
Linked to IG: Nov 22 2019
2019 water based media on paper 20" x 15"
Linked to IG: Nov 14 2019
2019 Salvaged antique toys, beach rope, beach glass, mounted on dried paint can disk and plaster, with water based media 9"H x 10"W x 4"D
“In retrospect this 3D relief may invoke low budget Noir, and appropriately enough was directed on a shoestring.
Ignored by the major studios! Will it become a cult classic?”
Linked to IG: October 24 2019
2019 Salvaged antique toys, beach rope, beach glass, mounted on dried paint can disk and plaster, with water based media 9"H x 10"W x 4"D
“In retrospect this 3D relief may invoke low budget Noir, and appropriately enough was directed on a shoestring.
Ignored by the major studios! Will it become a cult classic?”
Linked to IG: October 24 2019
2019 Water based media on plaster and yogurt lid, with salvaged antique toy, beach rope, wire mesh 13" x 13" x 2"
“Shout out to Jaynie Gillman Crimmins, and Sharilyn Neidhardt for including this piece in their recent curatorial gem, "SCAVENGERS" at Brooklyn Fire Proof!
I'm beginning to think I've become a tad irreverent in my old age. It may be presumptuous, but this assemblage does not curry favour and accordingly seems a slovenly, loony tune, slap dash plaything.
Is that so wrong?!”
Linked to IG: October 14, 2019
2019 Salvaged antique toy and beach glass, mounted on dried paint can disk with water based media 7"H x 7"W x 2.5"D
Linked to IG: Nov 8 2019
2019 Tissue paper and water based media on window screen and plaster slab. 12” x 18” x 1”
“There is a funky turbulence to the surface of this piece that reverberates in the fabric of dream space.”
Linked to FB: July 28 2019
2019 Tissue paper and water based media on window screen and plaster slab. 12” x 18” x 1”
2019 Water based media on plaster slab. 17” x 13” x 1”
“A new plaster slab.”
Linked to FB: July 13 2019
2019 Tissue paper & water based media on plaster. 12” x 7”
Slightly perfumed perhaps, hopefully not too pungent.
Linked to FB: July 7 2019
2019 Tissue paper & water based media on plaster. 12” x 7” (detail)
2019 tissue paper & water based pigment on dried paint disk, with salvaged beach rope. 12” x 10” x 1”
2019 Tissue paper & water based pigment on dried paint disk, with salvaged beach rope. 12” x 10” x 1”
2019 Water based pigment on plaster 10” x 12”.
“A new plaster slab piece. There is a chromatic modulation that occurs from the highly absorbent plaster surface.
The rugged topography lends a texture to the geography.”
Linked to FB: June 18, 2019
2019 Water based pigment on plaster 10” x 12”.
2019 Water based pigment on plaster 10” x 12”.
2019 Water based pigment on plaster 10” x 12”.
2018 Water based media on paperboard. 12” x 9”
“I'm not sure how much of this piece is rooted in my psyche, or has manifested as a response to external stimuli in time/space.”
Link to: FB June 19 2018
2018 Water based media on tissue paper, paper towel, and paperboard. 9” x 12”
“A new meditation on nature. In studio”
Link to: FB May 15 2018
2018 Water based media on tissue paper and paperboard. 8” x 6”
“A small sketch that incorporates metallic silver tissue paper.”
Link to: FB May 31 2018
2018 Water based media on paperboard. 9” x 12”
”A new work riffing on a tendency to spin, twirl, and drift in a current.”
Link to: FB May 3 2018
2018 Water based media on paperboard. 9” x 12”
“This piece is based on the charts of ancient mariners that believed benevolent half human, half sea creatures lurked at the edge of known navigational regions to guide and advise further exploration.”
Link to: FB June 8 2018
2018 Water based media on paper towel, paper napkins, and paperboard. 9" x 12"
“Looking forward to our first 2018 plein air trip to Ft Tilden tomorrow.
This new work on paperboard stock contextualizes an inner/indoor sensation of nature with textural inclinations, and could be considered as relating to Musique Concrète.”
Link to: FB April 13 2018
2017 Tissue paper and water based media on panel. 19" x 8"
! is a playful riff illuminating a dichotomy inherent to the flux found in figure/ground relationships.
Semi-transparent layers of light blue, water-soluble tissue paper applied in broad swathes, establishes the “ground” perspective.
The darker green tissue paper cutout references a calligraphic form that morphs into a figurative configuration.
Drawing with pen and ink enacts a delicate “etching” effect, which connects and combines the compositional elements into a floatational dream-like stage scene.
2107 Water based media on tissue paper and panel. 12" x 12"
2017 Water based media on tissue paper and panel. 17" x 10"
“A new panel piece. Saturation, chiaroscuro and narrative.”
Link to: FB Dec 8 2017
2017 Water based media on plaster, and panel. 10" x 12"
“A poured piece. Infused with ink in wet plaster.”
Link to: FB Dec 23, 2017
2107 Water based media on tissue paper and panel. 12" x 12"
“A new piece. Related to cutouts, but I see it mostly as a collage. Thematically about psychic phenomena like dream formation, and the fluidity of consciousness.”
Link to: FB December 2, 2017
2017 Tissue paper, ink, acrylic, and plaster on panel. 13.5" x 13.5"
2017 Tissue paper, and water based media on plaster relief and window screen, in driftwood frame. 16" x 16" x 1.5"
2016. Water based media on tissue paper & panel. 16" x 19.5"
2017. Water based media and tissue paper on plaster and panel. 14" x 14".
2014 Oil on canvas, 72” x 85”
2016 Water based media on paper towel and ceiling tile. 12" x 12"
2016 Water based media on paper towel and marmoleum tile. 12" x 12"
2016 Water based media on tissue paper and marmoleum tile. 12" x 12"
2016 Water based media on tissue paper and marmoleum 14" x 14".
2015 Watercolor & gouache, water soluble felt tip, pencil, crayon, on tissue paper and Yupo paper. 22" x 14"
2016. Water based media on ceiling tile. 13" x 13"
2016 Water based media on paper. 9" x 12"
2015 Watercolor & gouache, water soluble felt tip, pencil, crayon, on tissue paper and gessoed watercolor paper. 24" x 36"
2022 Water based media & salvaged fishing rope on poured plaster 13.5” x 5.5” x 4”
Linked to IG Sept 29 2022
2022 Water based media & salvaged fishing rope on poured plaster 13.5” x 5.5” x 4”
Linked to IG Sept 29 2022
2022 Water based media & salvaged fishing rope on poured plaster 13.5” x 5.5” x 4”
Linked to IG Sept 29 2022
2012, salvaged bait bag & beach rope, driftwood, tissue paper, oil paint, carved marmoleum. 21" x 11" x 5"
Linked to IG March 31 2021
2012, metallic tissue paper, driftwood, oil paint, carved marmoleum. 22" x9" x 4"
An assemblage sculpture that combines salvaged materials and drawing as a means to some kind of an end.
Linked to IG: Dec 6 2020
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
“A new plaster blaster launch.”
Linked to FB: May 7 2019
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged beach rope, & beach glass, mounted on poured plaster with tissue paper & ink, over yogurt cups and wire mesh. 30” x 12” x 11”
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 25”H x 25”W x 15”D.
“A new sculpture with kinetic tendencies (not literally).”
Linked to FB: April 27 2019
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 25”H x 25”W x 15”D.
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 25”H x 25”W x 15”D.
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 25”H x 25”W x 15”D.
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 25”H x 25”W x 15”D.
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 15”H x 15”D x 25”W.
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 15”H x 15”D x 25”W.
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 25”H x 25”W x 15”D.
2019 Salvaged antique toy parts mounted on chopsticks, with water based pigment & tissue paper on plaster. 25”H x 25”W x 15”D.
2017 Tissue paper, ink, plaster, salvaged beach rope, on yogurt cup armature. 28"H x 10"W x 11"D.
2017 Tissue paper, ink, plaster, salvaged beach rope, on yogurt cup armature. 28"H x 10"W x 11"D.
2017 Tissue paper, ink, plaster, salvaged beach rope, on yogurt cup armature. 28"H x 10"W x 11"D.
2017 Tissue paper, ink, plaster, salvaged beach rope, on yogurt cup armature. 34"H x 18"W x 10"D
2015, Salvaged beach rope and oil paint on plaster, tissue paper, & driftwood. 27.5" H x 15" W x 26" D.
2015 Salvaged beach rope, tissue paper, rusted iron bolt, and pigment, on plaster, and driftwood. 28"h x 11"w x 16"d
2107 Tissue paper, ink, plaster, on yogurt cup armature. 19" x 18" x 4"
2018 Water based pigments on plaster. 14" x 13" x 5"
2018 Water based media and tissue paper on plaster slab. 19" x 18" x 2"
2017 Tissue paper and water based media, on plaster and window screen. 13.5" x 4"
2017 Tissue paper and water based media, on plaster and window screen. 13.5" x 4"
2017 Tissue paper and water based media, on plaster and window screen. 10" x 5"
2017 Tissue paper and water based media, on plaster and window screen. 13.5" x 4"
2017 Tissue paper and water based media, on plaster and window screen. 13.5" x 4"
2018 Ink, tissue paper, crayon, acrylic, and tinted plaster, on window screen. 19" x 18"x 4"
2013 Waxed pigment, tissue paper, salvaged beach rope, & lobster trap sections on plaster. 38"H x 36"W x 6"D.
Oil paint on wax, plaster, corner bead, driftwood, beach glass, salvaged beach rope. 2014, 19" x 16" x 8"
2013, Beach rope, bait bags, monofilament, plaster, & tissue paper, on driftwood & corner bead armature. 24”H x 14”D x 10”D
2013, Beach rope, bait bags, monofilament, plaster, & tissue paper, on driftwood & corner bead armature. 28”H x 16”W x 5”D
2013, plaster, wax, salvaged beach rope & lobster trap brackets, driftwood, tissue paper pigment on corner bead armature, 36" x 15" x 7"
2013, plaster, salvaged beach rope & lobster trap bracket, foam buoy, tissue paper pigment on corner bead armature, 18"x9"x8"
2013, plaster, bait bags, driftwood, tissue paper, beach rope, burlap, 14” x 7.5” x 7”
2013, plaster, bait bags, driftwood, tissue paper, beach glass, 12" x 6" x5"
2013, plaster, bait bags, driftwood, tissue paper, beach rope, 7" x 8" x 8"
2015 Tissue paper on plaster and driftwood, with iron spikes, tire tread, burlap, salvaged beach rope, gauze mesh. 12"H x 13"W x 9"D
2015 Plaster, tissue paper and salvaged beach rope, on driftwood. 11"H x 22"L x 4.5"W
2013, plaster, bait bags, driftwood, tissue paper, beach rope. 21.5”x12.3”x6”
2012 Salvaged beach rope & glass, salvaged lobster trap brackets, driftwood, tissue paper, carved marmoleum. 96" x 16" x 12",
2012, 24" x 7" x 5.5", carved marmoleum, driftwood, beach rope, beach glass, tinted tissue paper.
2012, salvaged beach rope & bait bag, lobster trap section, tissue paper, driftwood, 16" x 20" x 5"
2015 Oil paint and bees wax, on plaster.
2015 Oil paint and beeswax on extruded plaster. 18"H x 15"W x 4"D.
2015 Tissue paper, burlap, binding wire, rusted iron spike, salvaged Beach rope & cyclone fence links on plaster and driftwood. 41" x 10" x 5"
2015 Salvaged beach rope & buoy, reclaimed cyclone fence links, drift wood, burlap, with plaster, bees wax and oil paint. 27"H x 37"W x 20"D.
2006 Oil on canvas 18” x 18”
2004 Oil on panel 30” x 24”
2005 OIl on panel 24” x 24”
2004 Water based media & oil pastel on paper 9” x 11”
2004 Oil on panel 24” x 24”
2010 Oil pastel & ink on paper 11” x 14”
2010 Oil on canvas 48” x 36”
2007 Oil on panel 24" x 24"
2007 Oil on panel 48” x 36”
2000 Oil on paper 12” x 16”
2000 Oil on canvas 42”x 48”
2001 63” x 39” oil on canvas
2001 Oil on paper 15" x 11"
1999 Oil on. paper 15" x 11"
2008-2011 (?) Oil paint on paper 11” x 14”
2008-2011 (?) Oil paint on paper 11” x 14”
2002 Oil on canvas 40” x 50”
2002 Oil pastel on paper 9.5” x 12”
2002 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 9.5”
2002 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 9.5”
2005 Oil on canvas 42” x 50” Private collection
2009 OIl on canvas 22” x 28”
2006 Oil on canvas 68” x 52”
2002 Oil on canvas 36” x 28”
2010 Oil on canvas 36” x 48”
2004 Oil on canvas 72” x 48”
This was kind of a heave ho painting. Some heavy lifting.
Linked to IG July 11 2021 IG
2005 Oil pastel & pen on paper 10” x 6.5”
2001 Oil on linen 20” x 17”
Linked to IG Feb 24 2023
2003 52” x 58” oil on canvas
Linked to IG, Sept 18 2022
2003 13” x 16” watercolor on paper
Linked to IG, Sept 18 2022
2003 oil pastel on paper 11” x 14”
Linked to IG, Sept 18 2022
2003 Ink on paper
Linked to IG April 3 2022
2003 Ink on paper
Linked to IG April 3 2022
2003 Ink on paper
Linked to IG April 3 2022
2001 oil on canvas 28” x 72”
This painting was a “Big Science” spin off.
String Theory had just begun to gain some momentum in quantum physics, and the Large Hadron Collider was being built.
This was well before the Higgs Boson was discovered, so the knock on String Theory was the lack of any empirical evidence to prove the viability of multiple massless curled up dimensions that vibrate at various wavelengths as precursors to matter.
They are so infinitesimally small that if an atom were magnified to the size of the solar system, a string would be the size of a tree.
Linked to IG; August 8 2021
2001 38” x 27” oil on canvas
This painting is a travelogue based on a marvelously adventurous trip I took to the Mexican state of Oaxaca in 2000.
I was pickpocketed in the Sabado Mercado by two diminutive muhares, then shook down by two ganja purveyors while painting plein air on “their” beach near Zihuatanejo.
What a brave gringo I was!
Linked to IG; March 22 2021
2004 oil on formica panel 24” x 24”
I think this was a quasi riff on string theory, or some sort of "fabric of space" thingie.
Linked to IG March 15 2021
2006 oil on canvas 22” x 28”
A reference to underseaness.
Linked to IG Feb 17 2021
2006 oil on formica panel 24” x 24”
This was painted from a stock photo, probably depression era.
Linked to IG Nov 27 2020
2002 42” x 42” oil on canvas
“A juxtaposition of quasi figurative and cosmic illumination.”
Linked to IG: Nov 21, 2020
2004 80” x 30” oil on canvas
Linked to IG: September 19 2020
2004 oil on canvas 50” x 60”
Done from an AP photograph. This painting is not meant to glorify combat or the Iraq war, but in light of the Soleimani killing, it is a tribute to the young soldiers that continue to put their lives on the line too long after 9/11.
Linked to IG: January 10 2020
2004 oil on canvas 36” x 36”
“Early fog painting (not diurnal) with fairies.”
Linked to IG: Dec 7 2019
2000 Oil on canvas, 36” x 24”
A traditional European scene reworked.
Linked to FB: May 25 2019
2003 11” x 14” oil on paper.
“Ode to spring.”
Linked to FB: March 30 2019
2001 oil on canvas 18” x 24”
A figurative melding of classicism and scribbly instinct.
Linked to FB: March 23 2019
2000 oil on canvas 59” x 48”
“This is a studio painting done from a plein air work on paper during an excursion in Spain.“
Linked to FB : March 1 2019
2004 30” x 30” oil on canvas
“From the Rembrandt, on a winter's day.”
Linked to FB: January 30 2019
2000 34” x 38” oil on canvas
“This painting was based on a Millet sketch I saw at the Clark of sheep sleeping in the moonlight.”
Link to: FB June 23 2018
2003 oil on canvas 33” x 36”
2001 oil on canvas 56” x 35”
oil on canvas
2004 oil on canvas 66” x 78”
2004 oil on canvas 36” x 36”
mid 2000's oil on canvas 36” x 28”
2007 oil on formica panel 48” x 48”
2006 oil on paper 11” x 14”
2005 oil on canvas 37” x 57” private collection
2004 oil pastel on paper 10” x 4”
2001 oil on canvas 34”x 45”
1998 Watercolor on paper 11” x 15”
1998 oil on canvas 42” x 48”
1996 Oil on canvas 48” x 36”
1990’s Oil on paper 15” x 18”
1996 Oil on canvas 36” x 36”
1996 Oil pastel on paper 8.5” x 5.5”
1998 56” x 55” oil on canvas
Linked to IG July 22 2022
1998 55” x 63” oil on canvas.
Linked to IG July 3 2022
1991 oil on canvas 57” x 62”
Thought about this painting after watching YouTube clips about the Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee last night.
There is an amorphous elephant head form/figure emanating from the upper right quadrant.
Linked to IG; Dec 27 2020
1995 oil on canvas 60” x 60”
I must have been feeling junglesque.
Linked to IG: November 13 2020
1990 oil on canvas 48” x 72”
1990 oil on canvas 48” x 48”
From my psycho/extra-human/spiritual era while practicing "Actualism", a potent New Age variation invented by west coast practitioners.
Linked to IGram: February 7 2020
1992 oil on canvas 57” x 52”
“From my space invaders esoterica era”
Linked to IG: October 17 2019
1994 Oil on linen 36” x 40”
One of my art history covers. Here we have a damsel in distress. I tended towards the heroic narrative.
Linked to FB: May 18 2019
1990 Oil on canvas, 60” x 48”
“A sort of SciFi conglomeration.”
Linked to FB: April 24 2019
1990 oil on canvas 48” x 60”
“From a description of a shamanic tradition.”
Shared on FB: April 7 2019
1997 oil on canvas 40” x 48”
“Imagined jungle scene.”
Linked to FB: January 28 2019
1996 oil on canvas 62” x 57”
“An undulating figurative notion. I was seduced by cobalt violet.”
Link to FB: August 15 2018
1994 Oil on canvas 80” x 35”
“This painting crosses over from a literalistic depiction of a rocket launch, into a esoteric notion of extra-physical phenomenon. Perhaps related to Coltrane’s “sheets of sound”.
Linked to FB: August 10 2018
I really got carried away during the 1990s. A large, cheap studio, and mostly part-time work on my art moving truck, allowed for a very prolific period.
In the most general terms I would describe a tendency in my chroma towards patina and chiaroscuro. I see the content as mostly abstract non-fiction, but delving into psychic theory.
Mid 90’s? oil on canvas 24” x 24” (approximately)
Link to FB: August 2, 2018
1996 oil on canvas 36” x 36”
1997 oil on canvas 60” x 51”
1990 oil on canvas 48” x 48”
“This painting was a response to my discovery of Indonesian gamelan. Not so much the shadow puppet theater, as the orchestral performances.
Gamelan encompasses a sublime melodic rainforest essence, that reverberates as atmospheric transcendence. There is really nothing like it in the western canon.”
Link to FB: July 29 2018
1998 oil on canvas 48” x 36” private collection
1992 oil on canvas 60” x 62”
1995 oil on canvas 44” x 44”
1992 oil on canvas 60” x 48” private collection
1996 oil on canvas 36” x 36”
1998 oil on canvas 28” x 32”
1991 oil on canvas 55” x 54”
1991 oil on canvas 72” x 72”
1993 oil on canvas 72” x 72”
1992 oil on canvas 72” x 72”
1991 oil on canvas 60” x 60”
1986 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
1987 oil on canvas 68” x 80”
1980 oil on canvas 36” x 36” (approximate)
1989 Oil on paper 30” x 22”
1989 Oil on paper 22” x 28” (approximate)
Linked to IG https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQ4Yj-uOvu/March 26 2023
1980’s? Pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG March 27 2023
Late 80’s/early 90’s oil pastel on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to IG March 27 2023
Late 80’s/early 90’s? oil on paper 30” x 22”
Linked to IG March 26 2023
Late 80’s/early 90’s oil on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to IG March 26 2023
1988 Oil on canvas 89” x 50”
A travelog concocted from my first visit to Mexico at Zihuatanjeo.
Linked to IGram: January 18, 2020
1988 Oil on formica 48” x 59”
“During my National Geographic phase.”
Linked to IGram: December 26, 2019
1988 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
“I did a sketch from this sculpture at one of the museums. Supposedly inspired by Jack The Ripper.”
Linked to IG: September 20 2019
1989 Oil on paper 22” x 28”
“This rather exuberant and muscular rendition reflected my interest in big bright painterly architecture.”
Linked to IG: September 11 2019
1989 oil on canvas 78” x 71”
“I have always seen the East River bridges as adding a graceful swoop to the skyline.”
Linked to FB: February 3 2019
1989 oil on canvas 72: x 72”
1984 Oil on paper 30” x 22”
Linked to FB: December 24 2018
1980 Oil on canvas 30” x 30” approximate
Working through youthful awkwardness by coating the surface with wet pigment.
Linked to FB: April 19 2019
1981 Oil on paper 30” x 22”
Sort of an ode to de Kooning.
Linked to FB: December 17 2018
1989 oil on canvas 50”x 80”
“This painting was a montage of Egyptian calligraphy/iconography that was a part of my art historical homage's.”
Linked to FB: November 10 2018
1988 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
1984 Oil on canvas 60” x 72”
“This painting was based on a battle scene depicted in the magnificent Decius Mus Cycle by Rubens which had been on display at the MET.”
Link to FB: May 19 2018
1986 oil on paper 22” x 30”
1989 oil on canvas 79” x 75”
1989 oil on canvas 49” x 35”
1989 oil on canvas 32” x 26” private collection
1989 watercolor on paper 22”x 18” (approximate) private collection
1989 oil on canvas 26” x 32”
1989 oil on formica 32” x 42” (approximate)
1980 oil on paper
1980 oil on canvas 34” x 48”
5/1981 45” x 58” oil on canvas
1989 oil on canvas 44” x 30” private collection
1985 oil on canvas 65” x 60”
1985 oil on canvas 40” x 36”
1986 oil on canvas 36” x 36” private collection
1982 oil on canvas 40” x 60” (approximate)
1980 oil on canvas 45” x 57”
3-80 oil on canvas 36” x 48”
1980 oil on canvas 75” x 60”
1980 oil on canvas 68” x 36” (approximate)
1986 Oil on canvas 86” x 70”
1983 Oil on canvas 60” x 68”
1984 Oil on canvas 60” x 70”
1988 Oil on formica 36” x 48”
1990 Oil on paper
1988 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
1986 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
1986 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
1988 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
1982 Oil on paper 22” x 30”
1985 Oil on paper 30” x 22”
1978 28" x 18" (apprxmt) oil on panel
“Another blast from the past.”
Link to: FB March 16 2018
1975 Oil on masonite 23” x 17”
1975 Oil on masonite 25” x 19”
1976 Oil on panel 6” x 10”
“A slightly awkward spiral impulse wobbling about the void.”
Linked to FB: February 16 2019 IG
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel & watercolor on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil paint on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel & watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel & watercolor on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel & watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel & watercolor on paper 8” x 10”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Early 80’s Metallic silver pigment on paper 8.5” x 11”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel & watercolor on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to IG Feb 11 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s watercolor on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
Mid/late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel on paper 12” x 9”
1978 Oil on canvas 27” x 38”
Linked to IG June 12 2022
1977 Oil on panel 24” x 12”
Haunting dark, smoky jazz clubs were one of my favorite pastimes.
Must have worked on this painting for a year or so.
Linked to IG; November 6 2021
Mid 1970s
Linked to IG March 5 2021
1977 Oil on canvas 20” x 30”
Painted from the model in my studio. Yup, those were the days.
Linked to IG: October 24 2020
Mid 1970s oil on panel 36” x 24”
“I would assume this heavily impastoed panel painting was based on Gandy Brodie's flowers in a can series.
Might also be tidal pools and lichen.
Recently discovered in my Pennsylvania storage space.”
Linked to IG: September 2 2019
Mid 1970s 32” x 48” oil on masonite
1978 Oil on paper 5” x 8”
Linked to IG: August 24 2019
1977 Oil on canvas 36” x 48”
I just rediscovered this piece in my el cheapo Harrisburg PA storage room that I had not visited since 2014.
I see my youthfully volatile psyche floating in awe amid the precipitous verticality of midtown.
Linked to FB: June 27 2019
1978 Oil on canvas 45” x 41”
“As I recall this painting was kind of an unexpected move out my dark brooding Brodie spell. Still heavily pigmented, but the palette was perking up. My architecture was flattening out, and morphed into little quasi-figurative paint cherubs that populate the Ceruleanville ground. “
Linked to FB: February 22, 2019
1978 40” x 16” (approximately) oil on canvas
“Rain drops rippling in the gutter. (Ripple in still water
When there is no pebble tossed)”
Linked to FB : January 2019
1975 Oil on canvas 36” x 28” (?)
“I was really getting into paint scrubbing, and Coltrane.”
Linked to FB: February 7 2019
1975 21” x 12” oil on panel
An early cityscape that emphasized a rambunctious physicality resulting from heavy applications of paint. This small piece probably took over a year to complete.
Linked to FB: December 3 2018
1977 30” x 40” oil on masonite
“As an artist new to the streets of Brooklyn, I was in awe of the rough and tumble scenes.”
Link to: FB May 27 2018
1976 oil on masonite 48” x 30” (approximate)
1975 oil on masonite 39” x 34”
“As a hippie bumpkin from Brattleboro, I was wowed by macho midtown architecture.”
Link to: FB April 11 2018
1978 Oil on canvas, 30” x 30” (apprxmt)
“One of my first ocean scenes. Painted in studio, maybe based on Cape Cod.”
Link to: FB April 20 2018
1975/76 56” x 28” (apprxmt)
3/1976 24” x 30” oil on canvas
1977 oil on panel? 36” x 36”?
“I suppose this painting could be considered as a "Tree of Life" type conceit, but I think I was actually just trying to paint a tree.”
Link to: FB April 7 2108
1976 oil on panel 30” x 19”
“I recently have begun the huge task of digitizing all my old art slides.
There are about 500 paintings and works on paper going back to 1974. A significant portion of them have been "recycled", but I'm glad I have images.
More to come as the future reveals the past.”
Link to: FB March 4 2018
1977 oil on canvas or panel 30” x 19” (approxmt)
“Another crucifixion piece I did in 1977 while still under the direct influence of Gandy Brodie”
Link to: FB March 9 2018
1975 86” x 48” oil on canvas
“This crucifixion painting was a seminal moment in my youthful career. It's sheer physicality combined with a luminous viscosity, to counter my trepidation as a novice draftsman.
I pulled it off by sensing my limitations, and then not minding them too much.”
Link to FB: July 24 2018
1977 oil on canvas 28” x 32” (approxmt)
1976 Oil on canvas. 36" x 30" (approxmt)
“My still life paintings from the mid 70's went through many iterations of produce ala Cezanne. Probably took about two years of work to bring to fruition (pun intended).”
Link to: FB March 31 2018
1977 oil on panel 26” x 14”
1979 35” x 56” oil on canvas
1974 oil on canvas 24” x 30”
1979 Oil on canvas 69” x 63”
1978 Oil on canvas 52” x 36”
1975 Oil on panel 37” x 21”
1977 Oil on canvas 66” x 37”
1976 Oil on panel 10” x 3”
2008 Watercolor on panel 10” x 38”
1986 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
1986 Oil pastel & watercolor on paper 12” x 14”
1998 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 24" x 36"
1998 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11" x 15"
1998 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11" x 15"
1998 Oil pastel on paper 12" x 14"
2000 Oil pastel on paper 12" x 14"
1997 Oil pastel on paper 11" x 9"
1990's (?) Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11" x 15"
2004 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
These were done in 2004 on an overnight hiking trip to Baxter State Park in Maine .
Linked to IG; October 10 2021
2008 Watercolor on paper 11" x 14" private collection.
2006 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11" x 14"
2006 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11" x 14"
1990's (?) Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11" x 15"
1999 Oil pastel on paper 9" x 15"
1999 Oil pastel on paper 15" x 9"
Late 90’s, early 2000’s. Oil pastel on paper 9.5” x 12”
1997 Oil pastel on paper 9.5” x 12”
2006 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
2001 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 10” x 14”
2001 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 10”
2001 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 10” x 14”
2000 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 8” x 10”
Late 1990’s Oil pastel on paper 6” x 9”
2007 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 7.5”
2001 Oil pastel on paper 7” x 9.5”
2004 Oil pastel on paper 10” x 6”
2004 Oil pastel on paper 10” x 6”
2002 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
2003 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
1986 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
1986 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x16”
1991 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
1991 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
1986 Oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
1986 Oil pastel on paper 19” x 22”
1986 Oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
1998 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
1998 Watercolor on & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
The Schoodic Peninsula offers magnificent surf scenery, and voluminous views. Never ending inspiration.
Wonderland is a more placid stretch of ledges, found at the end of a ten or fifteen minute hike along a roughly hewn path on Mt Desert Island.
Linked to IG; October 30 2021
1998 Oil pastel on paper 12”x 14”
1998 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 6” x 9”
1988 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
2001 9” x 12” oil pastel on paper
2001 Pastel on paper 6” x 9”
2001 OIl pastel on paper 6” x 9”
2001 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
2001 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 9”
1999 Oil on paper 16” x 14”
1999 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
2004 Oil pastel on paper 16” x 14”
2002 Oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
2002 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 9“
2002 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 9”
2002 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 9”
2002 Charcoal pencil on paper 6” x 9”
2002 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 9”
Linked to IG Aug 5 2023
2002 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 6”
Linked to IG Aug 5 2023
2002 OIl pastel on paper 9” x 6”
Linked to IG Aug 5 2023
2002 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14’ x 16”
2002 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
1998 Oil pastel on paper 13” x 26”
1996 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
2003 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG May 29 2023
2009 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 28” x 16”
Linked to IG May 29 2023
2003 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG May 14 2023
Late 1990s Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG, May 14 2023
2007 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG May 7 2023
2007 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 8”
Linked to IG May 7 2023
2000 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG May 7 2023
1995 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
Linked to IG May 7 2023
2003 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG April 2 2023
2001 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG April 2 2023
2008 Watercolor on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG March 18 2023
2009 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG March 18 2023
2004 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 14”
Linked to IG March 18 2023
1986 oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
Linked to IG March 11 2023
1986 oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
Linked to IG March 11 2023
1992 oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG March 11 2023
1995 oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG March 11 2023
1995 oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG March 11 2023
1990 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 13”
Linked to IG March 4 2023
Early/mid 1980’s (?) Oil pastel on paper 9” x 13”
Linked to IG March 4 2023
Late 80’s (?) Oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG March 4 2023
1999 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 19 2023
1999 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 19 2023
2000 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 8”x 10”
Linked to IG Feb 19 2023
1986 oil pastel on paper.
Linked to IG Feb 19 2023
1988 watercolor on paper 15” x 18”
Linked to IG Feb 19 2023
1986 Oil pastel on paper.
Linked to IG Feb 19 2023
Mid 80's? Watercolor on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to Ig Feb 19 2023
Late 1970’s Oil pastel and pen on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
1979 Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 8” x 10”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
Late 70’s/early 80’s watercolor on paper 12” x 9”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
1979 Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 10” x 8”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
1979 Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 10” x 8”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
Late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel on paper 8” x 10”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
Late 70’s/early 80’s Oil pastel on paper 8” x 10”
Linked to IG Jan 27 2023
2001 oil pastel on paper 10” x 12”
Linked to IG Sept 10 2022
2001 oil pastel on paper 8” x 10”
Linked to IG Sept 10 2022
2000 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 8” x 10”
Linked to IG Sept 10 2022
2000 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 8” x 10”
Linked to IG Sept 10 2022
2000 oil pastel on paper 11” x 13”
1988 oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
Linked to IG Sept 10 2022
1986 oil pastel on paper 22” x 26”
Linked to IG Sept 10 2022
1986 oil pastel on paper 10” x 12”
Linked to Ig Sept 10 2022
1999 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 8” x11”
Linked IG Sept 10 2022
1991 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
Linked to IG Sept 10 2022
Undated, early/mid 2000’s oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
Linked to IG Aug 21 2022
Early/mid 2000’s? Watercolor & oil pastel on paper. 9” x 13”
Linked to IG Aug 21 2022
1988 oil pastel on paper 10” x 14”
Linked to IG Aug 21 2022
2006 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11” x 14”
Linked to Ig Aug 21 2022
1992 oil pastel on paper 11” x 13”
Linked to IG Aug 21 2022
2004 oil pastel on paper 11” x 13”
Linked to IG Aug 21 2022
2004 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
1996 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper.
2006 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
2004 Watercolor on paper 11” x 14”
2004 Watercolor on. paper 10” x 6”
Mid 1980’s 11” x 13” oil pastel on paper.
Linked to IG April 16 2022
2003 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG March 14 2022
1997 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
Linked to IG March 14 2022
Early 2000’s Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG March 14 2022
2002 Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG March 14 2022
2003 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
Linked to IG Feb 5 2022
2003 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 5 2022
1998 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
Linked to IG Feb 5 2022
1998 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 5 2022
1992 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 13 2022
1996 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 13 2022
1998 Oil Pastel on paper 10” x 12”
Linked to IG Feb 13 2022
1994 Oil pastel on paper 12 x 14”
Linked to IG Feb 13 2022
Undated Oil pastel on paper 11” x 14”
Linked to IG Feb 13 2022
2003 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG February 6 2022
1993 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG February 6 2022
1991 Oil pastel on paper 10” x 12”
Linked to IG Feb 6 2022
2008 1996 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 6 2022
2007 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG Feb 6 2022
1995 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
I’m giving myself a digital retrospective, to be posted here on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future. These non chronological groupings will include work done in the area around Winter Harbor, the Schoodic Peninsula, and Corea Maine. The next few weeks will feature works on paper I painted plein air on the ledges at Grindstone Neck, starting in the mid 1980’s.
Linked to IG January 30 2022
2004 Oil Pastel On Paper 12” x 14”
I’m giving myself a digital retrospective, to be posted here on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future. These non chronological groupings will include work done in the area around Winter Harbor, the Schoodic Peninsula, and Corea Maine. The next few weeks will feature works on paper I painted plein air on the ledges at Grindstone Neck, starting in the mid 1980’s.
Linked to IG January 2022
1997 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
I’m giving myself a digital retrospective, to be posted here on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future. These non chronological groupings will include work done in the area around Winter Harbor, the Schoodic Peninsula, and Corea Maine. The next few weeks will feature works on paper I painted plein air on the ledges at Grindstone Neck, starting in the mid 1980’s.
Linked to IG January 2022
1994 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
I’m giving myself a digital retrospective, to be posted here on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future.
These non chronological groupings will include work done in the area around Winter Harbor, the Schoodic Peninsula, and Corea Maine.
The next few weeks will feature works on paper I painted plein air on the ledges at Grindstone Neck, starting in the mid 1980’s.
Linked to IG January 30 2022
2004 Oil pastel on paper 8” x 11”
I’m giving myself a digital retrospective, to be posted here on a weekly basis for the foreseeable future.
These non chronological groupings will include work done in the area around Winter Harbor, the Schoodic Peninsula, and Corea Maine.
The next few weeks will feature works on paper I painted plein air on the ledges at Grindstone Neck, starting in the mid 1980’s.
Linked to IG January 30 2022
2002 Watercolor & oil pastel 14” x 16”
A group from one of my favorite spots near Winter Harbor.
Linked to IG January 16 2022
2002 Oil pastel on paper 6” x 8”
A group from one of my favorite spots near Winter Harbor.
Linked to IG January 16 2022
1995 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
A group from one of my favorite spots near Winter Harbor.
Linked to IG January 16 2022
1994 Watercolor on paper 14” x 26”
A group from one of my favorite spots near Winter Harbor.
Linked to IG January 16 2022
1991 Watercolor on paper 14” x 16”
A group from one of my favorite spots near Winter Harbor.
Linked to IG January 16 2022
2005 Oil pastel on paper 12” x 10”
Linked to IG; December 17 2021
2004 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
Linked to IG; November 28 2021
2003 Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Linked to IG; November 28 2021
2008 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 14”
2002 Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Grindstone Neck is a wealthy Philadelphia Mainline enclave, with none to modest “cottages” spread about.
To their credit the little gem of a nine hole golf course is open to the public. Sternmen and society types might tee off together.
The rocky beach is also a public gem, but can get swamped on weekends.
Once when painting there a local lobsta-man clambered over the ledges and enquired “what ya paint’in?” He proceeded to tell me he’d seen me working earlier as he headed into nearby Winter Harbor on his lobster boat.
He was quite an extroverted character. Without much hesitation he insinuated himself into my art space, and asked if he could work on the piece with me.
I was flattered that a working guy with roots was so enthusiastic, but I politely and diplomatically dissuaded him. He didn’t seem too disappointed, and explained he was very happy that the lobsters were coming out of the rocks.
Linked to IG; November 13 2021
2001 Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
Grindstone Neck is a wealthy Philadelphia Mainline enclave, with none to modest “cottages” spread about.
To their credit the little gem of a nine hole golf course is open to the public. Sternmen and society types might tee off together.
The rocky beach is also a public gem, but can get swamped on weekends.
Once when painting there a local lobsta-man clambered over the ledges and enquired “what ya paint’in?” He proceeded to tell me he’d seen me working earlier as he headed into nearby Winter Harbor on his lobster boat.
He was quite an extroverted character. Without much hesitation he insinuated himself into my art space, and asked if he could work on the piece with me.
I was flattered that a working guy with roots was so enthusiastic, but I politely and diplomatically dissuaded him. He didn’t seem too disappointed, and explained he was very happy that the lobsters were coming out of the rocks.
Linked to IG; November 13, 2021
2001 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 16”
The Schoodic Peninsula offers magnificent surf scenery, and voluminous views. Never ending inspiration.
Wonderland is a more placid stretch of ledges, found at the end of a ten or fifteen minute hike along a roughly hewn path on Mt Desert Island.
Linked to IG; October 30 2021
2002 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
Done from a spot along the Schoodic Peninsula loop road, in Acadia National Park near Winter Harbor Maine.
View across Frenchman’s Bay toward Mt Desert Island.
Linked to IG; October 23 2021
2002 Oil pastel on paper 9” x 13”
Done from a spot along the Schoodic Peninsula loop road, in Acadia National Park near Winter Harbor Maine.
View across Frenchman’s Bay toward Mt Desert Island.
Linked to IG; October 23 2021
2004 Oil pastel on panel 9” x 18”
These were done in 2004 on an overnight hiking trip to Baxter State Park in Maine .
Linked to IG; October 10 2021
Mid/late 1970’s Watercolor & felt tip pen on paper 12” x 14”
“From a day well beyond memory's horizon except in the broadest of recollections.
My stepmother Jean used to rent a house on the Cape for a few summers right after she married my father in 1973 (I think), and before she bought her home in Maine.
One time I caught a big Black fish (good eating) and brought it back to the cabin's fridge for safe keeping.
When Jean (a rather proper French by-way-of-Vassar lady) found this hulking corpse of a poisson she was slightly horrified and (much to my disappointment) made me remove the head and tail before poaching the beast in white wine.”
Linked to IG: August 30 2020
1994 9” x 13” oil pastel on paper.
“I have not worked with plein air pastels in many years. I mostly used them to beef up watercolor sketches as a final flare. However in certain circumstances I would only use OP's as a way to accentuate the immediacy of drawing.
On a warm day they can get particularly squishy, and the process evolves into finger painting. I hope Soutine would have liked this piece.”
Linked to IG: January 25 2020
1995 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11” x 14”
“Probably a western facing view towards Frenchmans Bay.”
Linked to IG: August 21 2019
Mid 80's? Watercolor on paper 12” x 9”
I'd like to think I did this piece as an homage to Aurleila (Thistle) Brown, who ran Wingspread Gallery in Northeast Harbor Maine for many years.
Linked to IG: August 16 2019
2000 Watercolor on paper 10” x 15”
Linked to IG: August 1 2019
Late 1970's? pastel on paper 9” x 12”
“I only have a vague recollection of doing this plein air sketch. I'm guessing it might be of the old elevated West Side Highway, when I was in the Empire State College studio semester program at Westbeth.
But then again it might be Brooklyn. I need a time machine.”
Linked to FB; July 24 2019
2004 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 11” x 14”
A view from the beach on Crowley's Island. Although there are a few cottages nestled into the scrub pines, this place has a wilderness feel.
The massive ledges slumber in the warm summer, ensconced by one of the few sand beaches in the area.
Linked to FB: March 15 2015
2004 (?) Watercolor and oil pastel on paper 5” x 6”.
“I recently dug this out of a storage folder, and there is no previous photo of it in my archives.
I have no recollection of when or where exactly on the Schoodic Peninsula this was done. My scribbled date might be from 2004, but who knows.”
Linked to FB: December 3 2018
2003 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 11” private collection
Condensate on Schoodic clings to the landscape like a vaporous veil cloaking a hushed symphonia.
Linked to FB: December 7 2018
1992 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
Summers past.
Linked to FB: November 25 2018
1988 oil on paper 18” x 22” private collection
“This field is on Cemetary Rd in Hancock Maine, and although there is now a mini storage nearby, it is still a scenic locale.
Drawn entirely in oil pastel. A technique I would like to revisit.”
Link to: FB, July 17 2018
1990 watercolor & oil pastel on paper
1988 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 16” Private collection.
“Something of an homage to John Marin. He also painted plein air in Hancock County Maine, in and around Corea (my old stomping grounds).”
Link to: FB June 6 2018
1988 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 18”
1988 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 16”
1993 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
2004 11” x 15” watercolor & oil pastel on paper (lost in Wingspread Gallery fire)
1998 watercolor & oil pastel on paper. 9" x 15" private collection
“Grindstone Neck is a boulder strewn stretch of paradise just outside Winter Harbor.
It can get busy with gawkers on weekends, but remains one of the most spectacular panoramas along the coast of Maine.”
Link to: FB May 24 2018
1987 Watercolor & oil pastel on paper. 19” x 22” private collection
“From my halcyon days in Maine. Done in Acadia National Park.”
Link to: FB May 8 2018
1993 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 15” private collection
1988 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 18” x 22” private collection
1987 oil pastel on paper 19” x 22” private collection
2004 oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
1999 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
Linked to FB July 14 2019
Late 1990’s oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
2001 6” x 8” oil pastel on paper
2001 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 15”
2001 watercolor & oil pastel on paper
1988 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 10” x 14"
1991 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 12” x 14”
1991 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 14” x 17
1994 watercolor & oil pastel on paper 9” x 12”
1993 oil pastel on paper 9” x 13”
Schoodic Peninsula, Maine.
Private collection.
2018 Eliot Markell & Jeanne Tremel.
2016 Till Death Do Us Part, Lorimoto Gallery, Brooklyn NY
2017 Dorado Project, “Shared Gaze, Uncommon Vision”, Jersey City NJ.
2014 Ground Floor Gallery, “Hello Bushwick”, group exhibit, Brooklyn NY.
2014 Concrete Muse, Dumbo Arts Festival, group exhibit, Brooklyn NY.
2014 “Best Case Scenario” Brooklyn Fire Proof, group exhibition curated by Eliot Markell & Jeanne Tremel, Brooklyn NY.
2015 Bushwick Open Studios.
2015 Drawing Rooms, “Imaginary Sculptures”, solo exhibit, Jersey City, NJ.
2014 Brooklyn Fire Proof studio.
2012 Temporary Storage Exhibition Space, Brooklyn, Thick and Thin, group exhibition curated by Eliot Markell & Jeanne Tremel